These photos are of the top pin, bottom pin is missing and I only am guessing bottom pin is the same. John
It's tough to tell what you have from these photos. If the bottom pin is missing, that's no good. We'll need to see one before we can match it up. I don't know for sure that it's the same. Is there another bottom pin on the door, either on the other side or on another panel?
I will also need to know the diameter of each pin and the diameter of each nylon cap. Those two measurements will allow me to find replacement parts that will fit in the same space available. Thanks!
The pin diameter is .250"- 1/4 inch, roughly 5.3" total length with cap on top .100", 5.2" from bottom of pin to lip of cap. spring length is 2.6",pin hole is 2.1" bottom of pin to hole, and lastly has two plastic split washers.
Thanks, John
Thanks, John. This information is a huge help. Based on your new picture and data, I think you should consider the 21-058. That looks like it would work well as a replacement for your door.