39-417 tie bar guide breaking

Home Owner from 17408
Jun 26, 2024 1:06 pm
iI would like to know if tie bar 39-417 comes in metal rather than plastic. I find that the plastic ones are breaking after about 1 year. I have been replacing them and they are breaking after about 1 year
1 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Jun 27, 2024 1:46 pm


Unforutnately, our tie bar guides are not available in metal. We do offer the 39-448 if you'd like to try a different style but I'd also like to get a bit more information from you to determine why this may be happening. In general, these guides should last longer than a year and are not under a lot of pressure. If you could show us an original guide from one of your windows, as well as a broken 39-417 replacement, we can go from there. It would also help to see a photo of one of the 39-417 guides that is still installed. Thank you.

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