All parts broken on double-hung window

Home Owner from Anaheim, California
Aug 18, 2024 1:06 pm
Hi, I also have a double-hung window with almost all the functioning parts broken. I don't know when this window was installed. The locks have a "SWC" stamp. The size of the SASH2 is 45.8125 X 23.59. I have included a picture of the sticker on its side and all the broken parts. Please provide a reference for the parts I need to order. Thank you!
thumbnail_IMG_0129 thumbnail_IMG_0130 thumbnail_IMG_0138 thumbnail_IMG_0139 thumbnail_IMG_0143
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Aug 19, 2024 4:16 pm

Thanks for posting! The pictured coil assembly resembles the Series 140 Quick-Tilt Balance. The assembly marked with a 14 can likely be replaced with the S140-14, but compare the dimensions to be sure.

The other assembly belongs to the same series. However, confirm the coil weight by checking the housing or calculating the sash weight (divide total weight by 2). For instance, a 14lb coil window should weigh around 28lbs.

Alternate image for S140-14
Alternate image for S140-14

To replace your pivot bar, consider the 26-405 Rounded End Pivot Bar as a potential fit. For tilt latch replacements, carefully examine the 26-243 and 26-244.

Alternate image for 26-405
Alternate image for 26-405

Alternate view of 26-405
Alternate view of 26-405

Alternate view of 26-243
Alternate view of 26-243

Profile view of 26-243
Profile view of 26-243

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