Anlin Window Double Coil Balance

Handy Person from California
Jun 27, 2024 11:41 pm
I need a double coil balance replacement for an Anlin window. The only stamp I can see on the assembly is either a 9 or a 6 on the shoe.

I'll attach some photos. Thanks for any information!

PS One of the coils broke, so I suppose I could just replace that part. I am thinking that it would be best to replace both coil balances on the window, though. Again, thanks for any feedback and part information.


A Handy Old Geezer
Anlin Window Double Coil Installed Anlin Window Double Coil Removed Anlin Window Coil Insert at Shoe Detail Anlin Window Coil Insert at Shoe Detail 2
4 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Handy Person from California
Jun 28, 2024 2:53 pm

Finally able to find the stamps on the springs: one 5lb spring paired with one 4lb spring. The sash weighs just under 19 pounds. The correct replacement part appears to be either the S140-09 or the S140-10. (tilt in sash)

Is there an advantage of using a double coil balance vs the single coil balance? The lightest weight S140 double coil balance you have listed is the S140-12. I'm guessing that is too much spring for my 19lb sash. Do you have any double coil balance for a 19lb sash? I cannot find a replacement spring with the correct attachment point for my existing shoe.

Thanks again for any feedback/information.

Sorry. The above comment should have said the S140-11 appears to be the lightest weight double coil in the s140 series.

Lauren from SWISCO
Jul 1, 2024 9:36 am

Hi Frank, thank you for posting,

For a sash weight just under 19 pounds, we recommend the S140-09 on each side of the window. 

The fact that your original setup was a double coil will not make a difference and most likely due to a difference in the manufacturer. We do not carry a double coil setup of the S140 style that would not be too strong for the window sash. 

Please confirm the dimensions below to confirm a good fit and let us know if you have any additional questions. 

Alternate image for S140-9
Alternate image for S140-9

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