Weight is 2640 can you provide me a part number?
I am confident we can help, but be certain that the bottom nylon shoe is indeed the 15-050. The 15-050 has a depth of 1-1/4" and has a characteristic 'flare' in the heel. Show me closer pictures if you're uncertain. If you do have a balance with the 15-050, we can supply this for you, but it has to be custom made since none of our standard balances use this shoe. We'd be happy to do this for you, I just need the amount of balances you require.
The other possibility here though is that the shoe is more like our 15-001 1-1/8" deep shoe, in which case you're working with a Series 390 Channel Balance.
Thanks for the photos. This does indeed look like the 15-050 to my eyes. If you agree, I just sent you an email with a custom link to order a pair of these 27" balances, stamped 2640, and with the 15-050 and 19-002 attached. Let me know if you want a different amount to start out with, or have any other questions prior to placing your order.