Balances and hardware

Home Owner from Indiana
Jul 24, 2024 1:26 pm
I need to order some balances and the hardware but only have pictures. Can you help me find the correct items?
I need 10 balances and the metal hooks to go with them and only 3 of the white plastic latches.
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5 user uploaded images
5 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Jul 26, 2024 8:37 am


We can supply your replacement balances but it will need to be a custom order since it looks like you may have a type of skinny ribbed balance that uses the 15-230 T-lock shoe shown below. To get started, we'll need to see the stamp on the metal channel to determine the spring strength needed for your replacements.

Dimensions for 15-230
Dimensions for 15-230

As for your tilt latch, I would recommend comparing the dimensions of the 26-243 and 26-244 to an intact latch from one of your windows. The top is squared but that is fine as long as the bottom is the same shape. Thank you! 

Alternate view of 26-243
Alternate view of 26-243

Profile view of 26-243
Profile view of 26-243

Home Owner from Indiana
Jul 26, 2024 9:17 am
Here is a picture with the stamp from the metal channel.
1 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO
Jul 26, 2024 1:57 pm

Thanks for getting back to us. We just sent over an order link and price quote for you to review. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else. 

Home Owner from Indiana
Jul 26, 2024 2:25 pm
Does this quote include the balances and all the hardware and latches I included in my original text?
Casey from SWISCO
Jul 26, 2024 2:50 pm

The order link includes ten of the channel balances with the spring, pulley system, and 15-230 T-lock shoe attached. The tilt latches are not included in the link but can be added to the same order directly from our website before you check out. 

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