Block and Tackle and window take out clips

Home Owner from Oregon
Jul 25, 2024 5:02 pm
I need 2 of these block and tackles for a Insulate window and some take out clips. Can you please tell me the part numbers to order?
Thanks, Lynn
IMG_20190602_162235 channel balance 19-9 stamped channel take out clip take  out clip
5 user uploaded images
3 Replies
Emily from SWISCO
Jul 26, 2024 1:48 pm

Hi there Lynn.

Thanks for reaching out to us. Our 16-035A looks like a match for your old take out clip. We're happy to help with the balance. Before I recommend anything, can you also show us a photo of the inside of the metal channel where the innerspring connects to the pulley mechanism? That'd be located in the middle of the channel.

Home Owner from Oregon
Jul 26, 2024 2:49 pm
Here are 3 photos of the inside channel. Also, I bought the 16-035A take out clips and they will not pull out far enough on the bottom to hold the spring when installed. Are there some other type clips available?
Thanks, Lynn
winged bottom fitting winged top fitting blue clip spring connection
3 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO
Jul 29, 2024 1:21 pm

Thank you for getting back to me, Lynn. We can supply replacements for this balance but it will have to be a custom order. What makes it custom is the blue clip and the way it connects to the spring; no stock balance of ours has this spring configuration. With that said, I'm going to email you a purchase link for (2) balances that you can use to place an order on our website. Please note that there is a 5-6 week lead time.

As for the take out clip, you can install a screw into the jamb around about where the take out clip would've been, making sure to let it stick up a little. It will serve the same function. After you're done, you'd simply remove the screw.

Let me know if you have any questions! 

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