Casement window lock handle

Home Owner from Galesville, WI
Sep 3, 2024 5:36 pm
I need to replace a casement window lock handle and want to make sure I get the right part. It is beige and I am wondering if your Maxim Multi Point Lock Long Slider is what I need. Overall length of my part is 4 5/8 inches. Fork is 1 3/8 inches. Please see attached pictures and let me know. Thank you.
IMG_6106 IMG_6105 IMG_6104 IMG_6102
4 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 6, 2024 10:21 am

Thanks for reaching out! I think we can supply this lock, though I'm not quite sure precisely what size you need. The manufacturer doesn't measure the length of the fork, but rather the distance between the end of the fork to the bottom lip of the housing. The diagrams below should explain what I mean, hopefully, since it doesn't quite make sense until you see it. 

Otherwise, the two parts I've narrowed it down to are the 38-095 and 38-096. You can review their specs below to pick the best option.

Alternate view of 38-095
Alternate view of 38-095

Side view of 38-096
Side view of 38-096

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