I think these are Philips windows

Home Owner from Edgewood nm
Jul 19, 2024 11:59 am
Need help selecting this glass bead, I think I will need about 140 feet. These are exposed to daily extreme UV and cold in the winter the last set was damaged by hail.

Thank you for your help.

20240719_095324 20240719_095306 20240719_095257
3 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Jul 21, 2024 9:46 pm

Hey Jeremy. This glazing has a similar end profile to the 55-164, 55-192, and 55-197. Compare their cross-section dimensions below to your existing glazing bead and let me know if one of these are a match.

Profile diagram of 55-164
Profile diagram of 55-164
Profile view of 55-192
Profile view of 55-192
Dimensions for 55-197
Dimensions for 55-197

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