Looking for a glazing bead

Professional from Pueblo, CO
Jul 7, 2024 12:19 pm
Mobile home has this glazing bead with what appears to be 3 legs,,, part of the bead was buried behind the single strength glass and the silicon was holding tight, causing most the legs to break off upon removal. I was able to get one small piece out that still had a bit of that leg intact. I'll provide pictures.
cracked glazing bead cracked glazing bead cracked glazing bead cracked glazing bead cracked glazing bead
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Emily from SWISCO
Jul 9, 2024 9:23 am

Hello there!

Thanks for reaching out to us. It's tough to say what you may have here. We have the 55-185 but this is just a guess. Would it be possible for us to see an undamaged sample's end profile?

Profile diagram of 55-185
Profile diagram of 55-185

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