Handy Person from DFWA
Aug 23, 2023 4:29 pm
Hello. I'm currently trying to rescreen a couple of Simonton window screens due to some vandalism related damage.
Upon taking apart the screens to reinstall a new screen on them, a couple of the corner pieces broke as the plastic had become really brittle due to age and continued exposure to the sun.
I've tried my best googlefu to find replacement parts to get the job done.
In y'all's expert opinion are these parts that'll I'll be able to source online or from y'all? Or should I contact the manufacturer directly to see if they offer replacement parts for sale?
Thank you for time.
Upon taking apart the screens to reinstall a new screen on them, a couple of the corner pieces broke as the plastic had become really brittle due to age and continued exposure to the sun.
I've tried my best googlefu to find replacement parts to get the job done.
In y'all's expert opinion are these parts that'll I'll be able to source online or from y'all? Or should I contact the manufacturer directly to see if they offer replacement parts for sale?
Thank you for time.
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