Truth 30744 awning operator, cover, and crank handle

Quick Learner from CA
Jul 17, 2024 9:48 pm

I'm having trouble removing the cover from the old operator. I just wanted to quickly replace the cover and the crank, but it seems to be stuck. Additionally, one of the window arms is no longer connected to the pin, and I am having a hard time closing the window. Could you please point me to the replacement parts, if available?

I really appreciate your help.

Thank you,
IMG_5367 IMG_5368 IMG_5369 IMG_5370 IMG_5373
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Jul 18, 2024 3:35 pm


Your photos resemble the 39-348 awning operator. Unforutnately, the cover on this assembly is not removable but we do offer the 39-205 folding handle. The end of the arms connect to the 36-078 shoe studs, which are held in place by take-out clips. If the clip on one side is damaged, see the 39-106. Thanks for posting. 

detail of 39-348
detail of 39-348

Dimensions for 36-078
Dimensions for 36-078

Dimensions for 36-078
Dimensions for 36-078

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