Window part

Quick Learner
Jul 4, 2024 11:15 am
Please see red highlighted part. It measures approximately 1' by 3/4'. Please let me know what part I would need to order? Thanks
1 user uploaded images
6 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Jul 5, 2024 3:49 pm

Thanks for posting! The part you have circled in red is the top sash guide. To identify it, I'll need to see a front facing view and a side profile view. Take a look at the video tutorial below for instructions on how to remove and install this guide.

Quick Learner
Jul 7, 2024 8:22 pm
Thanks Jasmine. I'm having trouble removing the top sash without the handyman. Would it help if I mentioned that we ordered the Series 351-30 , 30 inch channel balance from Swisco a couple of weeks ago. Order number - 2351670 ? Will that help you better determine what sash I need? Thanks for your patience.

Best Regards,
Jasmine from SWISCO
Jul 8, 2024 9:09 am

Hi Bhavini,

While that might help to narrow down the options, unfortunately I cannot use that to determine the exact replacement you need. I'll need to see the photos of the part to identify it, when you are able to do so.

I do apologize that this isn't an easier process.

Quick Learner
Jul 14, 2024 11:24 am
Attached are pictures of the sash. Thanks . The sash measures approximately 1.5' length by 1' width. Thanks
IMG_9372 IMG_9371 IMG_9374
3 user uploaded images
Jasmine from SWISCO
Jul 15, 2024 9:54 am

Thanks for the photos. Your top sash guide reminds me of the 18-166 5/8" Top Sash Guide. To confirm that this is the right replacement, carefully look over the dimensions and compare them to your existing guide.

Detail of 18-166
Detail of 18-166

Profile view of 18-166
Profile view of 18-166

Quick Learner
Jul 15, 2024 10:36 am
Great...thank you
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